My friend Ryan from high school posted this link on his blog "Hey, Emitt!" and it's too interesting not to share, considering Odin and all of his baby friends have their own Sophies to love. :)
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Special Delivery
Beautiful flowers from my parents for my birthday! I LOVE getting flowers! Such a wonderful surprise to brighten my day.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Two Month Check Up
2 months: 11 lbs, 22 in, head 16 in
1 month: 9 lbs 2 oz, 21 in, head 15 in
7 days: 7 lbs (only checked weight)
4 days: 6 lbs 1 oz, 19 in, head 13.75 in
Birth: 7 lbs, 20 in, head 13.75 in
Our little boy is growing so fast! I only have pictures to post from my camera phone, so they aren't the best quality. I'm still taking pictures with my good camera, just haven't uploaded them yet. Story of my life lately it seems!

Sunday, January 15, 2012
The Cutest Monster
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
2 Months Old!
I can't believe Odin is two months old already! It's so much fun to watch his little personality develop, and see what new things he does each day. We've had a rough couple of nights the past few days, I think because of a growth spurt that causes him to sleep all day. Even though he only got about seven hours last night, he was all smiles and coos this morning. In this pic he started smiling as soon as I switched the sound machine from Running Stream to Tropical Forest. He loves the tweeting birds. I love how much he's smiling now! It's also easier to catch it on camera. Happy two months, Odin! You are the light and joy of my life.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Walk Series

Sunday, January 8, 2012
Don't know why I didn't think to download a blogger app for my phone before now. Mom brain strikes again! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I have about 2000 photos on my camera that I need to upload, sort through, and edit. Don't know when I'll ever have the time to do that, haha. Cheers to the new year!