We finally broke the unlucky streak with apartment viewing! Scott and I looked at one this morning and we both love it. I don't want to say too much at the risk of jinxing it, but we have our fingers tightly crossed for this one. If we hear good news I'll post all the fancy details.
After that excitement, we took the bus down to Lincoln Park and met up with our friends Ben and Jaimie for some lunch. Then we walked down to the lake and sat in the warm sun. The wind was crazy, and leaves and other debris pelted our skin and got in our eyes, but no one cared. It was 85 and sunny and it seemed the entire city was outside enjoying the day. It looked like some storm clouds were starting to form, so we headed back, said good bye to our friends, and then Scott and I got some mocha frappuchinos to cool us off.

(You can see Jaimie's shoe in the picture.)
Now we're at home waiting for the storm to blow in and cut the humidity so we can sleep comfortably. I'm debating running up to Trader Joe's... I know if I go I will lose my awesome parking spot and the sky will for sure dump on me while I'm carrying groceries from the next nearest spot around the block or two streets over. It's some sort of nature law that never fails.
Everyone was enjoying the beautiful turn in weather. I thought it was too warm too soon. I personally enjoy the gradual warm-up in the weather as spring sets herself in motion. And it was difficult going in to work that night.