Laying out on the beach turned out to be troublesome though. I finally found the best way to get comfortable: Dig a hole in the sand, cover it with a towel, lay an inner tube over the hole, and lay on top of the hole. I was dead asleep in under 3 minutes. Maybe I'll try this in bed... Laying on my side is starting to get old.

Out like a light
The second trimester was seriously amazing. I felt great, I finally looked pregnant, and I could still speed walk down the block and pass people in the grocery stores. I had my energy back, my appetite back, and it was glorious.

26 weeks and feeling good
Within days of hitting the third trimester I was completely exhausted again. I started drinking a cup of coffee a day, just to make it to afternoon nap time. I could always tell when my stomach was about to start growing again because I'd be even more tired than usual, and would have a cup of coffee then go back to bed. I am SO thankful I didn't have a job to be at, because I would have fallen asleep at my desk for sure.
Side note: During the first and second trimesters I actively looked for a job and sent out my resume to countless places and applied for positions online, but no one wants to hire an unemployed worker apparently. Then when I reached the third trimester Scott and I decided it was pointless to look for a job I'd have to quit in a couple of months anyway. He gets major props by the way for being so awesome during my time of unemployment and paying my rent and only minimally harassing me about it. It might be a fair trade for all that comes with carrying his child, which I only minimally harass him about.
Anyway, at 28 weeks I had to see a high-risk OBGYN at the hospital for a more detailed level 2 ultrasound. At the 20 week anatomy scan they found our baby's kidneys were a bit dilated, so it was a follow up to see how things were going. It was a weird appointment because the specialist did the ultrasound, which I wasn't expecting. I assumed it would be done by a tech, who would pass along the measurements to the specialist, who would pass the report to my doctor. But I walked in the room and he introduced himself and had me get on the table and started the ultrasound without looking at me even once! I couldn't see the screen and he didn't talk to me at all! I was thinking, Man this guy is a jerk. But then when it was over he gave me a few print outs, which I didn't even know he did during the scan, and was super friendly and said everything looked good. Apparently this is a common thing in boy babies and more often than not it corrects itself before the baby is born. So all is good with little man's kidneys and no need for any follow ups! And after working for cardiologists, I should have realized this is classic specialist bedside manner. They have zero time for anything and are all business.
28 week ultrasound
At 29 weeks Scott and I headed to Michigan for our huge baby shower. Our moms Diane and Deniese did an AMAZING job of putting it together. It was seriously so beautiful and perfect, and I am still blown away by the generosity of our family and friends. We are so blessed to have such loving and supportive people in our lives!

After the shower Scott had to go back to Chicago for work, but I stuck around so I could go to his cousin Katie's wedding the next weekend. She was such a stunning bride, and I loved seeing her so completely happy. It was also really nice to spend so much time with Scott's family -both sides!
Me and the beautiful bride
30 weeks, starting to get large!
At 32 weeks our awesome friends Amber and Ann threw us a shower in Chicago for our friends here. We had maybe 15 people in our apartment, but it didn't seem too crowded. Our friend Nicole flew in from New York City for it, and even our world traveler friend Jesse was able to come. Since we had a smaller group, we were able to play some games! We played Guess how big my belly is, Draw a baby on your head, and Pictionary. I have to say, everyone guessed waaay over on my belly size, by 10-12 inches at least. Scott just wrapped the string around himself three times and figured that's how big I was, haha. The shower was a huge success and I can't thank my friends enough for coming out, or Ann and Amber for throwing it and making sure we didn't have to do a thing other than be here to host it.
Draw a baby on your head!
Not sure what that is, but it sure is detailed!

Anatomically correct Smurf, moose on skis

The correct answer would be... Ultrasound
Shots of Malort -a Chicago hazing ritual
Uncle Traveling Jesse and Aunt Nicole from NYC

Amber's pie was amazing!

32 weeks
At 34 weeks I was back in Michigan for my cousin Lisa's wedding. Scott was unable to come with me because he was in the middle of a solid 3 weeks of work trips. Thankfully that's the last of the traveling he'll have to do until February or March. To say we were happy when he was done is the understatement of the year.
The Bailey kids, dressed to impress
Good luck belly rub for newlywed fertility
34 weeks
Then I stopped taking bump pics for three weeks, mainly because I've been feeling large and uncomfortable and done with being pregnant. Thankfully my mom was able to come out for a quick 24 hours last week and helped me whip the nursery into shape. I still have to put the finishing touches on it, so I'm not going to post photos yet, but it looks really good and I love sitting in there in my glider and doing things like fold baby clothes.
37 weeks, made it to full-term!
Tomorrow I'll be 38 weeks and my due date is only 15 days away! It's crazy that it's almost time to meet our little boy! I have to say that I am so grateful for so many things. One, that I was able to get pregnant without any problems. Two, that I've been able to carry this baby to full-term. And three, that so far this has been a textbook pregnancy. So many things can go wrong, and so many people struggle with getting and staying pregnant, and at times I feel guilty that I've had such an easy time of it. I know this ride isn't over yet though, and I still have to get through labor and delivery, and my only wish is that this little boy is healthy. Ok, if I'm going to be completely honest I also have a smaller wish that my body isn't completely annihilated in the process. Let's face it. Having a baby is scary stuff, and the options for him coming out don't sound appealing to me.
Now I'm going to end with a "before and after" comparison of my bump. In the Before I'm 3 months pregnant and already have a little bump from my guts getting squished out of the way. I can't even fathom how good I looked at 0 months! I remember being bummed because I wasn't showing yet. In the After I'm 37 weeks, so there's still some growing left to do. I'm putting on my fake smile because those stretch marks suck. I just think it's crazy how much my body has changed in 6 short months!

Thinking of You as you reach the end of your pregnancy and the beginning of the amazing journey of Parenthood. XO
ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful journal and I love watching you blossom as a mommy-to-be. Kendall you and Scott are very blessed. You will do well during labor and delivery-just remember that it's temporary and the outcome incredible. Enjoy the last few days of peacefulness as your world is about to change-for the better. I send my love and {(hugs)}....Mom, soon to be called Busia.
ReplyDeleteYou look so good and those stretch marks are hardly noticeable! Can't wait to see you :)
ReplyDeleteEvery picture I'm just floored by your smile. You are the most radiant woman. Now have that baby so I can give him a nuzzle, ok?