So here are the last of my pregnancy pictures. At 38 weeks my good friend Amber and I walked around Lincoln Park and had a maternity photo shoot. The pictures turned out awesome and I'm so glad the weather was perfect that day. We originally had the shoot scheduled for a few weeks earlier, but I wasn't feeling well that day and we would have had limited sunlight to work with. It worked out perfectly in the end because since we waited, the leaves were more colorful and we ended up with a perfect day. I didn't plan on wearing the orange shirt, and had brought a whole bag of clothes to Amber's house to get ready, but at the last minute we decided to just do casual shoot. I think it turned out pretty good in the end. We started out at the Lincoln Park Conservatory, then walked through the Lincoln Park Zoo to get to the Alfred Caldwell Lily Pool. These are three of my most favorite places in the entire city, and they are all free and are all within walking distance of each other! If you ever come to Chicago, I strongly recommend visiting these three places!

First we had to hydrate, and I got this delicious chocolate fro-yo, which means it was *totally* healthy

Taming a lion at the zoo

Scaring the children passing by who also wanted to tame the lion

Amber said something really funny about the plaques at the conservatory

Finally made it down to the pond

This is about when the fro-yo started to kick in. I was sure I could get my legs up there

I love these rocks by the mini waterfall

Nor-mal view! (MST3K quote)

Don't worry, the rocks were dry and both feet were firmly planted in a secure position

Wish we would have redone this one due to my hair, jacket string, and belly line :(

On Fullerton, trying to ignore cars honking at us, bicyclists, and joggers. Just look natural!

On the side wall of the Lake Shore Drive overpass. I drive past this every week when I go to my OB check ups, and it did not stay this pretty for very long

Love this one

Sometimes I can be cute

Becoming one with nature

Literally climbing the walls from the fro-yo sugar high

A festive corsage

My lovely photographer and awesome friend
I just want to take a minute to talk about how awesome Amber is. First she drove out to the burbs with me and spent an entire day helping me make my baby registry. She made it fun and kept me positive and motivated. Second, she and my good friend Ann threw me the most wonderful shower here in Chicago. Seriously, best party EVER. Way better than I could have ever hoped for or come close to doing on my own. Third, she kept on me about the maternity photoshoot, which in all honesty I wasn't always excited about doing. But she knew that it was something I would regret not doing, and bugged me without nagging. Thankfully the stars aligned that day and we were both available, I felt good, the weather was perfect, and it all worked out. Plus she did the shoot for free, under the guise that it was to "expand her portfolio" but it's really because she is such an awesome friend and knew we couldn't afford to pay to have them done. And then on top of everything, she has already spoiled our little boy with so many gifts, and checks up on me regularly to see how I'm doing and offer support and encouragement. This girl seriously rocks. They don't call her Momber for nothing.
At 39 weeks Scott and I dressed up for Halloween and went to his coworker's house party. I was really confused on the way there, and asked him where all the trick-or-treaters were. Was it because we live close to Roger's Park and it's not terribly safe for kids to be out because of the gangs? He just looked at me and said Halloween was the following Monday. Kids go out on the actual day of halloween. HA! So it's official, my brain has completely broken. I'm glad we went out, and I had a wonderful time, even though all of that standing gave me hard core false labor contractions for the next two days.
Scott as Dr. Horrible
Me as a very pregnant lady
39 weeks -side view
I hit 40 weeks -my due date!- this past Saturday, and had planned on making the most of the day by going out one last time, but instead had a burst of energy and spent the day doing things like: 7 loads of laundry, washing the ceiling fan blades, and cleaning under the kitchen appliances. Needless to say, by the time evening rolled around I just wanted to lay in bed and not move an aching muscle. Sunday I managed to shower and put on make up and Scott took me out to lunch at Iguana Cafe, one of my most favorite places for coffee, drinks, and eats. We had such a nice time, just laughing and hanging out, and dawdled just because we could. In about 48 hours our time will always be controlled by a baby! We are both totally ready though, and I'm so glad he's the one I'm doing this with. He is going to be an amazing father and I can't wait for this next chapter in our lives. Next time I post, we'll no longer be just a couple, but a family of three!
40 weeks -baby has dropped!
Uh oh, he is coming out HOW??
Good luck! Wonderful pictures. I'm so happy and excited for you and Scott.
ReplyDeleteLife as you know it will forever be changed because someone else will be number one. You will experience the highest highs and the lowest lows and, when you least expect it a hug and kiss from your child will totally make your day. Children are truly a blessing.
ReplyDeleteYou are also blessed with wonderful and talented friends. I am sure you cherish them dearly. The photo shoot must have been fun because it sure looks like you enjoyed yourself. The pics are great. You need to get a picture of you and Scott pre and post delivery.