Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I've been too busy to update! My birthday came and went, and I'm another year older and hopefully a little bit wiser. I'll save the birthday post for when I have pictures to add. Other than that I've been working like crazy and visiting with a lot of friends. I don't want to look back on my life and only remember sitting in traffic or being tired or stressed about work, I want to remember having fun with the people I love!

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Time I Caught Leprosy

I figure since Katie can talk about her pinkeye, I can talk about my leprosy. It's not really leprosy, but a rash caused by "probably a virus" according to Science. They aren't sure what causes it, how it spreads, or how to cure it. And it is not fun.

It started about 6 weeks ago when I noticed a small pink patch of dry skin on my thigh. I didn't think anything of it because it's winter and I usually get a dry patch or two somewhere on my body. But then two days later that spot quadrupled in size and multiplied to three spots. I did a quick google search before work and freaked out because I thought it was ring worm, although I don't know how I could have possibly caught that.

I made a same-day appointment with my dermatologist who took one look at it and knew exactly what it was. She said she had it last winter, and had already seen 5 or 6 cases this season already. It's called Pityriasis Rosea and can last up to three months. It is not contagious and doesn't spread like a typical virus. The only thing you can do is put steroid cream on it and let it run it's course, and it gets (much) worse before it gets better. Those three spots that I started out with quickly turned into about 3-400, and it's now on my abdomen, chest, neck, back, arms, wrists, and in some very unfortunate and uncomfortable places ifyouknowwhatimean. This is a pretty accurate picture of what I look like: NSFW, although only about 75% as bad.

I hadn't been using the steroid cream because of the side effects (don't want to mutate my ovaries!) but it was so painful and the itching kept me up for hours in the middle of the night so I finally gave in and slathered it on. It's been two days and the rash is so much better. It's faded a bit, but I can tell it's going to take a long time to go away. Good thing it isn't bathing suit season!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Not As Planned

This week I had very good intentions of going to the gym every day after work, but that did not happen. Monday I had a very good excuse and it's name is Cobra Lounge. We might not have many more Monday nights there, so I *had* to go (and *had* to order the half-pound salt-soaked medium burger in bleu cheese). That is one tradition I will be both happy and sad to see end. Tuesday I went to Target instead and bought a new water bottle and lock, so now I really have no more excuses. Yesterday and today I had to work late and didn't get home 'til almost 7pm. Tomorrow... We'll see. I might need to do something extremely important like open a bottle of wine.

Work has been crazy this week. We're trying to get rid of all the old accounts, so I've been making collection calls, mailing final notices, going over accounts with the head doctor, fielding angry patient calls, and other fun things. The most enjoyable part is the huge neon pink sticker that I get to put on the letters that basically say Payment is Due Immediately Or Else. The worst part is that while I'm doing this, my phone is blowing up with calls from Salle Mae, Nelnet, Chase, Direct Loans, and Visa because I'm past due on everything. I wonder if they'd take a drawing of a spider as payment...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year, New Blog

Although a lot of good things happened in 2010, it wasn't my favorite year. I'm glad to see it go.

2010 The Good
-I made a wonderful new friend, Katie Cooper!
-I finally got health insurance (even though it sucks and my premium is insane).
-Scott and I moved to a nicer and cheaper apartment in a better neighborhood that is closer to my job.
-I was able to go camping twice with my family.
-Scott got a new job that he loves, and we love hanging out with his coworkers.
-I'm a first time fake aunt.
-A semi-regular Sunday brunch crew has been established.

2010 The Bad
-My best friend's mom passed away, and my heart aches for what my friend is going through.
-Greg and Lubka moved to Slovakia.
-Jon and Katie moved to Florida, shortly before Zelda was born.
-My great Aunt Shirley passed away unexpectedly.
-My job has been a huge source of stress and anxiety in my life.

Basically, when I think about 2010 I'm filled with a profound sense of loss and sadness. I still have a hard time living so far from my family, but I don't have time to dwell on that because my job consumes all of my time and physical and emotional energy. I'd make a New Year's Resolution to get a new job, but I never keep my resolutions so I'll just keep working on my resume and checking craigslist for attractive positions in the area. Plan B is to apply at Target.

Not much else is going on. The holidays were really nice, and we had my parents and sister Lauren stay with us one weekend, then Scott's parents stay with us the weekend after. We both went back to Michigan for Christmas for a short and sweet visit. I was able to spend time with all of my elderly family members, and I'm so thankful my great Uncle Michael was having a good day on Christmas Eve. He suffers from dementia and it's been almost 2 years since I was able to give him a hug or have him even recognize me. So it was a good Christmas. Also, Scott spoiled me again, and I told him he better take it down a notch or next year I'll be expecting a pool boy or destination vacation.