Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2 Months Old!

I can't believe Odin is two months old already! It's so much fun to watch his little personality develop, and see what new things he does each day. We've had a rough couple of nights the past few days, I think because of a growth spurt that causes him to sleep all day. Even though he only got about seven hours last night, he was all smiles and coos this morning. In this pic he started smiling as soon as I switched the sound machine from Running Stream to Tropical Forest. He loves the tweeting birds. I love how much he's smiling now! It's also easier to catch it on camera. Happy two months, Odin! You are the light and joy of my life.


  1. The joys of motherhood are in the simple things. I like to think that he is preparing for his camping trip this summer. Your world will change on a daily basis. Enjoy each moment.

    1. I can't wait to take him camping! I'll finally have a buddy to go with since Scott doesn't care for it at all. ;)

  2. He is so handsome, Kendall! Somedays those sweet little smiles will save you from the edge of craziness and remind you what this wonderful thing called motherhood is all about!

    1. Thanks Michele! I live for his smiles! You should hear him "talk," it's so cute!
