Monday, January 16, 2012

Two Month Check Up

Odin did so well at the doctors yesterday! He's following the growth curves nicely. I'm splitting up his vaccines so he doesn't get a gazillion at a time, so yesterday he got one oral and one in each leg. I have to take him back next month for the other two shots he would have received yesterday. Much thanks to my friend Ann who spent her day off work with us! Without her I wouldn't have showered, held it (mostly) together while Odin got his shots, or been able to get groceries for dinner last night. It really does take a village to raise a child, cuz one mom can't do everything!
2 months: 11 lbs, 22 in, head 16 in
1 month: 9 lbs 2 oz, 21 in, head 15 in
7 days: 7 lbs (only checked weight)
4 days: 6 lbs 1 oz, 19 in, head 13.75 in
Birth: 7 lbs, 20 in, head 13.75 in
Our little boy is growing so fast! I only have pictures to post from my camera phone, so they aren't the best quality. I'm still taking pictures with my good camera, just haven't uploaded them yet. Story of my life lately it seems!

In his crib, looking at the mobile

Making silly faces

A real knee-slapper!

Trying to catch his smile

He loves the octopus on his activity mat!


  1. Really, could he be any cuter!!!!!!!!!

  2. He is such an adorable little boy! And he is changing so much! Wish we were closer to get our boys together to play...although I have a feeling that Cash would be busy examining Odin at this point! Keep up the good work momma! <3 you!

    1. Thanks Michele! I wish we were closer too. I can't believe how fast babies grow! It seems like every day he's doing something new or not able to wear clothes he could wear the day before. I feel like I'm going to blink and he'll be in college!
